Thursday, April 26, 2012

I need your help with mold remediation in our attic.

In September 2010, a family of squirrels decided to eat away at my roof and move in, it rained a lot in that period of time and the damage to my attic and ceilings was tremendous. I had wildlife services come and help out to remove the rodents and wildlife proof my roof. My uncle, a contractor, came to inspect the attic and thought that everything was fine and that all I needed was better ventilation and that he would help me with that within the year which did not happen due to him having his own serious problems.

As time passed I started having swallowing problems, severe nausea, loss of appetite, weakness, fatigue,breathing difficulties, irritations in my ears, nose and throat. I did many medical tests and examinations which all came back normal. My doctor thought I was going through a lot of stress and put me on puffers and other prescriptions to control my symptoms.   My kids started having medical issues too, Sade (5) started coughing often and vomiting quite frequently,she started having body rashes, and I noticed that her tonsils were enlarged and abnormal. She went to see several specialists and they taught that most of her problems would resolve as she grew. I was also very concerned about Naomi (6) which had severe stomach pains and also had enlarged abnormal tonsils, again the specialists did not find anything but enlarged glands in her abdomen which they taught she would probably grow out of. The kids also have puffers and are often on antibiotics for respiratory infections.

 I have always had eczema but lately it's been out of control and my arms, legs and face are all irritated with blemishes. The kids have had reoccurring fungus like rashes in they're faces. My medications started not working well and I noticed that I felt really sick in the morning especially after spending the night in the girls room. That's when it became so clear to me that I had to get a professional to come and investigate my attic. No need to say the attic is completely covered with mold and needs to be repaired ASAP.

As a single mother of three going through a difficult divorce, with no child support , no sources of credit and my income is just not enough. I always liked to resolve my problems on my own but this time my kids health is in danger, we are getting sicker daily and the damages to our health may become irreversible.

I am asking for financial support, every dollar counts, if you can contribute a small amount and share this with your family and friends, I would greatly appreciate it. Just click on the Chipin label to the right to donate. The minimum price for repairs is $5000.

If anyone is interested I can forward on a copy of the mold inspection report just contact me at sarahchoujounian @  Below are some pictures of problem in our attic which is getting worse the longer it is left untreated.